Thursday, December 29, 2011

What I'm Reading 12/29/11

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. With it being the holiday season, I have been busy and did have time to post anything before Christmas. I'll try to update again soon with a post of the stuff I got for Christmas. So I hope everyone had a good Christmas and hope your New Year will be wonderful as well.

Now onto what I'm currently reading . . .

This book is about Tria, who has been accepted at a school for the Magically Gifted. I know this sort of sounds like Harry Potter, but I think the only thing that this book and Harry Potter has in common is that the main character has magical powers and she goes to a school for magical peoples, but it ends there.

I found this book at my library and decided to give it a try. So far, it is really a wonderful book and has me hooked. Once I finish I might try and post a review for this book since I am really enjoying it.

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