Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So Many Things Going On!

I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I have been online. I mostly blog on Xanga and that is what I have been doing, writing blogging and even got one of my posts featured on the front page of Xanga last week! I was pretty excited about that.
Now tomorrow starts my local library's book sale. I'm going there around 6PM tomorrow because that is when it opens to the public. I'm hoping to find some books there that I want. I know I found quite a few at the Hershey library book sale. I guess I will see what I can find tomorrow and I will let you all know!

Then on Friday is when I meet Paranormal State! I ordered my tickets yesterday and it starts on Friday at 7PM and lasts about two hours. Ryan Buell is going to be doing a Q/A thing and afterwards is when the autograph signing starts. I'm hoping that maybe I will be able to get a picture with some of people of Paranormal State. I am so excited! Paranormal State is one of my favorite shows and to meet them is going to be great!
I am also getting ready for Halloween. You can see my layout on here is different and I changed my layout on Xanga a few days ago. I also have some Halloween stuff up in my room.

Well, I will let you all know what happens on Thursday and Friday. I will try to update on Saturday.

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