The Reindeer Keeper by Barbara Briggs Ward
Rating: Five Stars
Abbey and her husband Steve move into the farmhouse that was given to her father after he passes away.
There is a barn full of animals and a little man named Thomas who takes care of them all, including the Reindeer. Abbey and Steve are looking forward to Christmas with their children, who are coming home for the holiday. It turns out, Christmas is the most wonderful it has ever been and Abbey learns a lot from living in the farmhouse and the reindeer keeper Thomas.
I won this book in a giveaway from
I Am A Reader, Not A Writer. It is the story of a family coming together, forgiveness and magic.
There is so, so much I want to say about this book. The characters were likeable, flawed, but generally tried their best to do good. They were easy to relate to. This book brought tears to my eyes more than once and I felt everything the characters felt: love, sadness, joy and pain.
It was beautifully written, wonderful in every way and truly makes you believe in Santa Claus, wonder and magic. Believing in those things aren't just for children, it's okay for adults to believe too, and that is what the characters in the book learn. Believe in magic, in the wonder of it all. Life is precious, cherish every moment and love.
I love this book. Although sad, it was beautiful and I just wonder why this wasn't a bestseller? It is wonderful! More people should know about this book and read it. I highly recommend this book. It definitely great to read at Christmas time.