Yesterday I came online and found e-mails from the Diana Wynne Jones club I joined. I wondered why there were so many. There were at least five or more. I thought, perhaps another new book was announced. But, no . . . . It was not a new book.
I opened the first e-mail, scrolled down and laid my eyes on the first message. Maybe it shouldn't have come as a shock. Maybe I should have expected it. But, from the day she was diagnosed with lung cancer I prayed for her and only thought positive things, like that she would get better. I even sent her a letter, letting her know that I'm sending her positive thoughts and well wishes. Telling her also how much she has inspired me.
But, it did come as a shock to me. Diana passed away. She was 76 and yet, I believe she was still too young to die. I know she had probably lived a life of adventure, did many things and lived life the way she wanted to. Diana had a wonderful imagination, even after being diagnosed her imagination was still wonderful.
Diana was diagnosed in 2009 with lung cancer and in 2010 Enchanted Glass was released. The book was wonderful, the story, the characters and everything was what I had come to know and love about her writing. Even with lung cancer, Diana still had her imagination and gift for words.
Some might find it silly, but I felt her death on a personal level. It felt as if I had lost a best friend, someone who knew me inside and out. Of course, I never met her and didn't know her personally. It felt as if I did, though and I suppose in a way I did know Diana. It was through her writing I and many others knew her.
She is like a close friend that I never met, never even talked to, but I knew her and she knew me and it was all through her writing. That is what I also said on my Xanga blog, but I have been reading other fans blogs that are mourning Diana as well and I have found a better way to explain it. This blogger got it right with this quote:
“The best moments in reading are when you come across something, a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things, which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours.”
The blogger had said that hand for her was Diana Wynne Jones and I feel exactly the same. However, I didn't grow up reading her books, which makes me sad now because I wish I did. I've been a fan for two years and in that two years Diana has taught and inspired me more than anyone else.
Diana was a beautiful person, inside and out. She loved her fans, even helped other writers and her books were one-of-a-kind.
I'm grateful to Diana because after reading her books I became to write again and now I'm very happy because again I am doing what I love. I thank her for that and I will continue to write and make it my career like I've always wanted. I will become an author.
Diana's passing was a great loss to her family, friends, fans and to writing. There will never be another writer like her. And I mourn her passing with great sadness.
Diana, may you rest in peace and thank you for inspiring me to write again. Thank you for writing, for sharing your words and stories with the world to read. I will miss you.